Having a primary care physician is the foundation in your health care. If you are looking for a new primary care physician, consider some of these options for care.
Dr. Sanchez was educated in the Philippines. In addition to English, she speaks Philippine, Tagalog, and Spanish. She is a resident of Edinburg, and maintains an office there, where she is accepting new patients. She accepts the following insurance: Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and SHA.
Dr. Villarreal lives in the Edinburg area, and works at two practices in the city of Edinburg that are accepting new patients. She speaks English and Spanish. She currently accepts insurance from Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Prominence, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and SHA. She is an adult primary care physician but received her training in internal medicine.
Dr. Dela Garza is trained in family medicine, and received his degree from University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio. He speaks English and Spanish, and is currently accepting new patients at his Edinburg office address. He has another office in McAllen.
Dr. Zavala-Spinetti is trained in pediatrics and got her degree in Venezuela. She accepts insurance from Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, SHA. Dr. Zavala-Spinetti resides in Edinburg, and will see new patients at her Edinburg office.
Dr. Winkfield completed her degree at the University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio in 1995. She’s been a doctor for 22 years, with lots of experience. She speaks Spanish and English. She lives in Edinburg and is accepting new patients in her Edinburg office. Insurance is accepted from Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Prominence, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, SHA
Dr. Cantu has his degree in internal medicine and sees patients in his role as primary care physician at his offices in Edinburg and McAllen. He has 32 years’ experience! He accepts your insurance plans from Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Prominence, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, SHA. Dr. Cantu speaks English and Spanish.
Educated in the Philippines, Dr. Tiongson lives in Edinburg. She speaks English, Tagalog, Philippine, Spanish, and Cebuano. She accepts payment assignment from insurance companies Humana, and SHA, and is accepting patients in her Edinburg office.
Dr. Palacios has 15 years’ experience. She graduated from University of Texas Medical School in 2002. She speaks English and Spanish. Dr. Palacios trained in family medicine. She accepts insurance from Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, SHA.
Dr. Casso is an adult Primary Care Physician who did her medical training in Texas. She lives in the Edinburg area, and speaks Spanish as well as English. For insurances, she accepts Ambetter, Celtic, Humana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, SHA. She is now accepting patients at her Edinburg office.
When you’re looking for a new primary care physician, it can get overwhelming. Look through the list, and then call to set up an interview appointment. Conduct an interview, and you’ll get to know them a little better as you go. This will make it easier for you to know which doctor you want to use as your primary care physician.