When an individual has been involved in a personal injury, it is vital to notify those who are liable. After that, you can go ahead and make a personal injury claim. However, one must be aware of how to notify the responsible parties following a personal injury. It is best to seek advice from an experienced personal injury attorney.
When an individual is involved in a personal injury, they are entitled to demand compensation from those at fault. Each type of personal injury requires the injured individual to notify various people of their intention to seek for a claim. Always ensure you do not leave out anyone you feel is at fault. For instance, in a car accident, an individual can notify the drivers and owners of the vehicles, your insurer and that of the others involved.
After you have identified all the responsible parties, the next stage should be to write to them. In the notification letter, clearly mention you sustained a personal injury as a result of an accident that happened. This will make them aware that you intend to claim compensation for the personal injury caused. When writing this letter, do not divulge all the information about the personal injury. Only disclose the necessary information such as your name, contacts, dates, and appeal to the responsible parties to acknowledge the letter through writing back. Even in situations where the responsible parties have promised to notify their insurance companies of your intention to make a claim, just go ahead and draft this letter for credibility purposes.
Make the process of getting your personal injury claim as fast as possible by sending notification letters to responsible parties on time. Giving the notice very early will ensure you convey the details of the personal injury as they are since you have high chances of remembering them. This will also give them ample time to offer feedback accordingly. In addition, it will guarantee that you get compensation from the responsible parties on time. If you take a lot of time before sending a notice to them, chances are they might flee the charges, leaving you to carry the burden of the personal injury on your own. Besides, the case can drag on for years, and you might end up losing your claim.
There is the temptation to intimidate and coerce the responsible parties when writing a notification letter. However, this should not happen as the letter can be used as evidence in a court of law. When the letter is written in a professional way, it becomes reputable and increases the chances of getting a personal injury claim when presented before a jury.
Always make an attempt to ensure that you have kept copies of the notification letters sent to all the responsible parties lest they claim you did not send them the letters.
Finally, notifying the responsible parties of your intention to claim compensation does not guarantee that they will be involved in the process. Sending the notification letters is simply to inform them of your intent to make a personal injury claim.