Brasure Law Firm, PLLC

Category: Personal Injury

By: Chris Brasure

What Is an Injury Attorney Consultation, and What Should You Expect?

Blog Personal Injury Product Liability

What Is an Injury Attorney Consultation, and What Should You Expect? Experiencing a personal injury can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to navigating the legal aspects of your situation. This is where an injury attorney consultation becomes crucial. It’s your first step in understanding your legal rights, exploring potential…

By: Chris Brasure

The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide: A Legal Perspective on Safety and Accountability

Blog Personal Injury Property Claims

Carbon monoxide (CO) is often referred to as the “silent killer,” and for good reason. This colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas can be fatal, making it a significant public health concern. From a legal perspective, the dangers associated with carbon monoxide exposure extend beyond the immediate health risks; they encompass…

By: Chris Brasure

How to Seek Legal Help for Work-Related Injuries: Your Comprehensive Guide

Blog Construction Injuries Personal Injury Work Related Injuries

Work-related injuries are unfortunately common and can have significant impacts on an employee’s physical, psychological, and financial well-being. According to estimates from the 2022 SOII, Texas private industry employers reported 178,800 total recordable nonfatal cases for 2022. This represents an incidence rate of 1.9 cases per 100 equivalent full-timeworkers. Understanding…

By: Chris Brasure

What to Do If You Slip and Fall and Get Hurt: A Comprehensive Guide

Blog Personal Injury Slip and Fall

Slipping and falling can be a sudden and jarring experience, often leading to injuries that require immediate attention. According to the National Fall Safety Institute, falls lead to more than 8 million emergency room visits, making them the top reason for such visits (21.3%). Of these, slips and falls contribute…

By: Chris Brasure

What To Do If You Are Involved in a Car Accident During the Holidays

Car Accidents Personal Injury

The holiday season sees a spike in traffic due to people traveling to visit family and friends. This increased volume on the roads in the Rio Grande Valley and across the US, coupled with the potential for adverse weather conditions and holiday-related distractions, significantly raises the risk of car accidents….

By: Chris Brasure

How Can You Effectively Document Evidence at the Scene of a Car Accident to Support Your Claim?

Blog Car Accidents Personal Injury

What Type of Evidence Should I Collect After My Car Accident? If you’ve had a car accident in Texas, and another’s negligence caused it, any evidence you collect at the scene can be critical in proving and winning your compensation case. In any accident case, the burden of proof for…

By: Chris Brasure

How Can I Claim Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Ride-Sharing Accident?

Blog Car Accidents Personal Injury

If I’m Injured In a Ride-Sharing Vehicle, Is Getting a Settlement More Challenging? Many people and families today use ride-sharing vehicles (such as Uber or Lyft) to get around, which has significantly changed how we travel. Ride-sharing cars are affordable, commonly reliable, and convenient. However, on today’s busy roads, these…

By: Chris Brasure

How Do Texas Laws Impact Compensation in Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers?

Personal Injury

Are Uninsured Drivers Responsible for Damages If They’re At Fault? Most of the Texas roads and highways are large, have a lot of traffic, and accidents happen daily. This is especially true in urban areas. So, every day, you are at risk of an accident, and this risk is made…

By: Chris Brasure

Dealing with Insurance Companies During Your Car Accident Settlement in Texas

Car Accidents Personal Injury

After My Accident, How Does My Texas Insurance Claim Work? You’ve had a car accident in Texas, and your vehicle was damaged, and you or a loved one was injured due to another’s negligence. If this applies to you, you could be entitled to compensation for the damage to your…

By: Chris Brasure

Car Accident Settlement Process in Texas

Car Accidents Personal Injury

If I’m Offered a Settlement in My Car Accident Case, What Should I Do? If you have a car accident, and it was the fault of another’s negligence, you may have to sue for the compensation needed for medical bills, ongoing treatment, recovery costs, and much more. However, many of…